Photo of ROSMAR BOOTH United Kingdom

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ROSMA BOOTH was born in Olot Catalan city in northern Spain. Artist and miniaturist. Vice-President of the RMS in the UK. She was a student of E. Parejo and J. Agusti in Spain, Madeleine Scali in Paris and K. Walsh in London.Rosmar moved to Paris in 1972 and settled in London in 1975.Paints traditional and historica portraitsl, but is best known in the art world for its distinctive modern painting, full of imagination,...

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Photo of ROSMAR BOOTH United Kingdom

ROSMA BOOTH was born in Olot Catalan city in northern Spain. Artist and miniaturist. Vice-President of the RMS in the UK. She was a student of E. Parejo and J. Agusti in Spain, Madeleine Scali in Paris and K. Walsh in London.Rosmar moved to Paris in 1972 and settled in London in 1975.Paints traditional and historica portraitsl, but is best known in the art world for its distinctive modern painting, full of imagination, color, fantasy, dreams and shadows. EXHIBITIONS Rosmar has participated in many exhibitions in the UK, USA, Spain, France, Ireland, Australia and Canada, for 29 years has exhibited with the Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers, Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition . Barbican, Christie's, Mall Galleries, Llewellyn Alexander Gallery, Westminster Galleries, Hackney Town Hall, Beecroft Gallery, Mayfair Park Gallery, Basildon Town Gate, Chelsea Town Hall, Thameside Grays, Tilbury PLA.Decorus Gallery, Old Manse Gallery, Burlington New Gallery, Samlesbury Hall, Burwood Gallery, Hilliard Society of Miniaturist, The Society of Woman Artists UK. - Spatafora Boutique La Escala, Olot Coal Chamber, City Hall St. Esteve d'en Bas, Regal Gallery I Art Olot Spain. - Heritage Centre Castle Town Hall Bangor Co. Down, Ireland. - Montelimar Festival 1992, Societe des Arts et Artistes in Miniature Précieux Benicourt Le Chateau de Roost-Warending, France. - Marietta Georgia Cobb Museum of Art, The Arts Club of Washington DC., Jane Law Art Studios and Gallery New Jersey, American West Galleries Colorado, Montana Castle Gallery, Fine Art Museum of St. Petersburg Florida, Gallery 311 West Virginia, Vega Fine South Carolina Art, Cuyahoga Valley Art Center Ohio, USA. - Spring Art Exhibition Loreto College Marryatville, second World Exhibition of Miniature Art Tasmania 2000, Australia. - Del Bello Gallery Toronto, Ottawa Gallery Hyperion, Canada. SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP;-Royal Miniature Society .- Founder member of The Hilliard Society of Miniaturist. - Miniature Art Society of Florida. - Fellow of the Royal Society of Art BIBLIOGRAPHY Centenary Book of the Royal Society of Miniatures. - Artists of the Mil-Lenium Enciclopedia European. -Great Women of the 21st century. - Dictionary of International Biography. - Who's Who in Art. - Royal Academy Exhibitors book .-El Arte en su maxima Expresion.-World Who's Who of Women. AWARDS First prize (less than six inches) Montana Montana award Migration MAS 1982 MAS 1982. - A purchase Collectors Choice Award, Montana MAS1982. - First prize for drawing and pastel Florida 1983. - Honorable Mention MAE pastel drawing and New Jersey 1983. - First Prize (less than six inches) Montana MAS 1983. - Fourth prize in portrait Colorado Rocky Mountain MAS 1983. - Honorable Mention Allegheny West IMAE Virginee 1983. - First prize in Florida IMAS abstract 1984. - Award for Consistency of style, Cameo Art Gallery AIS South Carolina 1984. - Best Artist in mixed Allegheny West Virginia IAE 1985. - Second prize Jane Law Art Gallery New Jersey 1985. - Award of Merit IMS next of Florida 1987. - First prize in Florida MAS Abstract 1988. - Third prize in portrait Georgia 1990. - Third prize in Georgia MAS Abstract 1992. - Honorable Mention in acrylic AIS Billings Montana 1993. - Third prize MAE Jane Law Art Gallery Surf City, New Jersey 2000. - The President's Special Commendation for large painting RMS 2007 London.

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